Get in touch!
Smooth Transitions

Referral Process

At Beccarian Correctional Care, we understand the importance of a streamlined and compassionate admissions and referral process for individuals entering therapeutic living units (TLUs) and accessing transitional service (TS) programs. 

Our approach is designed to ensure that every individual receives the support they need in a timely and respectful manner, facilitating a smooth transition into our programs.

Who Can Refer?

We accept referrals from
a variety of sources, including:

Step-by-Step Guide

Referral Process

To make a referral or begin the
admissions process, follow these steps:

Initial Contact

Once a referral from a CSW or through an RFI has been received the below steps will follow.

Formal Assessment

Our team will conduct a pre-screening in person, over the phone, or via a secure online method to gather more detailed information about the individual’s background, health status, and specific needs. Generally a formal assessment will occur immediately which includes interviews, psychological testing, and a review of medical and criminal issues. This comprehensive assessment helps us tailor our services to the individual’s specific requirements.

Review and Approval

The assessment is reviewed by our leadership team to ensure that our program is the best fit for the individual’s needs. Once approved, we will coordinate with the referrer and the individual to plan for delivery of services or admission to a TLU.

Admission Planning

We will arrange for a smooth transition into our programs, providing all necessary information and support to the individual or referring agency.

What to Expect

After Referral

Once a referral is accepted, individuals can expect: