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Supportive Environments

Therapeutic Living Units (TLUs)

Therapeutic living units (TLUs) provide a structured and supportive environment where members can engage in intensive rehabilitation. 

TLUs are meticulously crafted environments, strategically designed to address not only substance use disorders but also a broad spectrum of related behavioral and mental health issues. 

Key Components

Therapeutic Living Units

Integrated Treatment Approaches: Consideration of physical health, mental health, and social reintegration strategies.

Educational and Skill-Building Workshops: Programs designed to bridge the gap between in-facility treatment and community and social reintegration, with a focus on critical life skills.

Health and Wellness Programs: Promotion of physical health and mental well-being through activities like yoga, sports, and meditation.

Cultural and Spiritual Programs: Beccarian recognizes the primary role culture and spirituality play in enhancing wellness. Programming that offers members an opportunity to enhance their connection to culture and explore spirituality on a personal level are central aspects of the daily schedule.

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Core Mission

Objective of TLUs

The core mission of TLUs is to nurture a supportive community that motivates personal development, builds recovery capital, and prepares members for a productive reintegration into society.

This environment is specifically aimed at disrupting the cycles of addiction and criminal behavior by equipping individuals with the necessary skills and supports for a substance-free and law-abiding life.

How it works

Program Structure and Environment

Each TLU operates as a distinct, self-contained unit within the broader correctional facility, providing an intensive, immersive recovery environment. 

This separation is critical as it fosters a unique therapeutic community detached from the influences of the general  prison population, allowing members to fully engage with the recovery process. 

The minimum program duration is four months. The evidence confirms best possible outcomes are achieved with longer term and more comprehensive care. Aligning with this evidence, our objective is to maintain members in treatment for nine to 12 months in order to ensure that all social determinants of health (factors such as socioeconomic status, education, and social support) are proactively addressed through regular case management and transitions to further care. 

The program follows four phases:

 This initial phase introduces new members to the TLU environment, setting clear expectations and integrating them into the community.


Members undergo intensive personal and social rehabilitation through a structured regimen of therapeutic interventions designed to address underlying issues and promote behavioral change.


This phase is focused on equipping members with practical skills and establishing robust support systems essential for successful reintegration into society.


Supports members in community-based settings, emphasizing employment, continued education, and long-term recovery maintenance.


Core Components
and Methodology

Role of TLU Staff in

Enhancing Recovery and Rehabilitation

Beccarian TLU staff, referred to as behavioral health navigators (BHNs), play a crucial role as facilitators and mentors within the structured recovery environment.

They are instrumental in ensuring that each TLU member has access to the tailored support and resources necessary for rehabilitation and personal growth.

By actively engaging in every step of the member's journey, TLU staff ensure that members are not only supported through their in-unit treatment but are also prepared for successful reintegration into society.

Key aspects of staff engagement include:

Personalized Care Planning: Each member's care plan is tailored to their specific needs and recovery goals. TLU staff work closely with members to develop and adjust these plans, ensuring they remain dynamic and responsive throughout their stay.

Therapeutic Interventions: Staff facilitate a range of therapeutic interventions that include individual and group sessions, and specialized workshops designed to address the underlying causes of substance use and criminal behavior.

Skill Development and Educational Opportunities: Staff organize educational and vocational training programs within the TLUs, helping members develop new skills and enhance their knowledge, crucial for reintegration into the workforce and community.

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Role in Facilitating

Seamless Transitions

TLU staff are critical in preparing members for the next stages of their recovery journey, whether transitioning to lower levels of care within the community or moving on to independent living. This preparation includes:

  • Aftercare Planning and Follow-Up: TLU staff develop comprehensive aftercare plans that address each member’s unique needs. These plans often include regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress and provide additional support as needed.
  • Warm Hand-Offs and Assertive Linkages: Similar to transitional service (TS) programs, TLU staff ensure that members leaving the unit are provided with warm hand-offs to external service providers. This involves coordinating with community-based therapeutic communities, outpatient services, recovery coaching and peer support groups. This ongoing engagement helps members maintain recovery momentum and navigate the challenges of reintegration.

Our Commitment to

Comprehensive Recovery

The TLU staff at Beccarian Correctional Care are deeply committed to the recovery and well-being of each member. 

Their dedication is reflected in the extensive training they receive, including in therapeutic communication, crisis intervention, and relapse prevention strategies. By providing a supportive, educational, and therapeutic environment, our staff play an essential role in transforming lives and aiding members in achieving long-term success and fulfillment.